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Bubbles in Pool? What It Means and How to Fix It

Bubbles in Pool? What It Means and How to Fix It
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Bubbles in pool: If you’ve noticed bubbles in your pool, you may be wondering what they are and whether they are a sign of something bad. Unfortunately, bubbles popping up is a common issue that many pool owners face at some point. 

Here we will break down all of the information regarding bubbles in your pool and how to fix this routine maintenance issue.

What Are Air Bubbles in Your Swimming Pool?

You may notice a few pool air bubbles on the surface of your pool due to the cycling jets. However, if you see an excess of air bubbles in water, there is a problem within your pool’s above-ground maintenance system. 

The excessive bubbles are air in your pool’s water line and are often accompanied by a loud, agitated mechanical noise.

Why Do I Have Air Bubbles in My Pool?

Why does my water have bubbles? Reasons for excessive pool bubbles can vary, and you may need to check many different sources to locate the issue. The bubbles are due to air that gets sucked into the pool’s waterline, controlled by your pool’s above-ground maintenance system. 

You may also be suffering from the issue of air in the pool pump. With this problem, the air gets sucked into the pool pump, and you will see air bubbles coming out of your return jets. 

Foam in pool: if you notice foam bubbles, this is an issue of low calcium hardness in your pool and is a separate issue.

Air Bubbles in Pool

Are Bubbles in Pool Harmful?

The few air bubbles themselves are not harmful. It is not dangerous to swim in a pool that has excessive bubbles. However, you should not ignore the problem because allowing the issue to go unfixed can lead to further issues with your pool.

Is It Safe to Swim in a Pool With Bubbles?

It is technically safe to swim in a pool with bubbles. The bubbles are an issue with the pool’s filtration system, so it is in your best interest to fix the problem now and avoid the water being improperly filtered.

How to Get Rid of Bubbles in Pool

All of the following are reasons that may cause air bubbles in your pool, so you can run down this checklist and find the cause of your issue.

Incorrect Water Level

If the water level of your pool is too low, it can leave a way for air to go in through the skimmer basket. The ideal water level should sit right in the middle of the skimmer’s opening. If the water level lies below the halfway mark of the skimmers, air cycles through the pool, and air bubbles will come out.

Fix: Adjust the water level to sit in the middle of the skimmer’s opening.

Look at the Pump

Air in pool pump: You can look at the pool pump to see if any inconsistencies may be letting air in. If there are any visible cracks in your pump housing, you should consult a professional to see if you can replace parts of the pump or if you need to replace the entire pump.

Fix: Examine individual pieces and consult a professional.

Ineffective Pool Filtration System

If the pool filtration system is not working correctly, it could be filtering the air in with the water. You should check for any leaks in the system.

Fix: If you find leaks in the filtration system, consult a professional.

Loose Strainer Lid

If the strainer lid is not sealed, it will let air in. Check to make sure the strainer lid is in the proper position. 

Fix: Readjust the strainer lid.

Check the Skimmer

The skimmer may be letting excess air in, creating air bubbles. There are several parts of the skimmer, so be sure to check over all of them to see if there are any spaces where air leaks in.

Fix: Fix leaks and/or readjust the water level.

Damaged O-Rings

The O-ring of your pool pump may crack or become damaged and allow for air to cycle through. To check the O-ring for cracks, you must first turn the pool pump off and remove the lid. 

You can then take the O-ring in your hand and gently bend it to see if any cracks are present or if it has splits or dry-rot.

When you replace the cracked, split, or dry-rot O-ring, you should apply a Teflon-based lubricant to the new O-ring. Aladdin Magic Lube is one of the more common brands for this, though you will be able to find some either at your local pool supply or home repair store.

Fix: Replace O-ring and apply lubricant 

Aladdin Magic Lub - 5 oz Tube
  • magic lube - 5oz
  • teflon based lubricant/sealant
  • ideal for use on motors, o-rings, gaskets, & bearing

Compromised Unions

The unions of an inground pool are connectors between the piping that have visible threads. When checking your unions, there will be an O-ring located inside. 

You should check this O-ring for any visible cracks and ensure it is in the proper place. If the O-ring is placed improperly, it will allow air leaks into the waterline.

Fix: Ensure proper placement of O-ring within the union and replace cracked O-ring if necessary

Pump Basket

Like the pump lid, sometimes the pump basket will become cracked, allowing air to be sucked into the waterline and causing air bubbles.

Fix: Replace the broken pump basket

Drain Plugs

The drain plugs of your pump are located on the pump housing. Depending on your pool, there may be one or two drain plugs. If they appear to be loose or if you notice a leak, this is the cause of air in your water line. 

You can take some plumber’s tape and apply it to the threads of the drain plug/s, which will stop any leaks and create a tight seal.

Fix: Apply plumber’s tape to the drain plug/s

4 Rolls - Plumbers Teflon Tape
  • Teflon tape has a sealing function to prevent the leakage of water or gas.
  • Each roll of teflon tape has a width of 1/2 inch and a length of 520 inches, which can be used multiple times.
  • Teflon tape is a necessity for plumbers, when you use any threaded pipes and you hope they will not leak water or gas, and plumbing tape has good performance,tephlon tape is widely used in home and office.

Pump Lid

If the pump lid has any cracks, it will allow for air to leak into the pump and create air bubbles. Check the lid for any cracks or damage.

Fix: Replace pump lid

Examine the Unions

The unions should connect the piping with no space in between or damage, allowing air in. If you notice any leaks or damage in the unions, you need to replace and reinforce them. 

Fix: Replace unions and reinforce with plumber’s tape

Key Takeaways

The cause of air bubbles in pool water is air being sucked into the waterline of your pool’s maintenance system. Once you know how to get rid of air bubbles and locate the source of the air leak, it’s a simple fix. It’s essential to keep up regular maintenance and care so that you can notice issues like this quickly and fix them. 

Pricing on this page was last updated on 2025-02-13